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Generating Film Profiles for ExpoDev

If you are a user of Plotter for Windows, you can generate Film Profiles for ExpoDev by exporting any of your film curves. If you are not a user of Plotter for Windows, the offers a film testing service that will do the analysis and profile generation for you.

To do so yourself using Plotter, follow these steps:

1. Load your film curve into Plotter and set the Paper ES and any other analysis parameters you typically use.

2. To generate the Film Profile (.XDF file), select Export to ExpoDev from Plotter’s File menu.

3. Give the profile a display name and select the reciprocity correction parameters to use. By selecting common films, Plotter will show you a list of common combinations and try to determine the ones that most closely matches you film data.

4. Press the Ok button and give the new profile a file name. The saved film profile file may now be imported into ExpoDev.

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